Specialist Criminal Law Solicitors Macclesfield & Warrington, Cheshire

Emergency Out of Hours Number
01625 422944
Directors : Ruth Oakes : Julian Farley
Solicitors : Anthony Derbyshire : James Edwards : John Farnan
Caseworker : Amy Shaw
We are a Specialist Criminal Law Practice based in Macclesfield and Warrington Cheshire but who represent clients throughout Cheshire, Stockport, Manchester, Merseyside and Staffordshire. Our solicitors are able to help you at the Police Station, Magistrates’ Court, Youth Court, Crown Court as well as any appeal at any level. We are able to deal with the most serious and complex cases from the police station to the highest courts. Julian Farley, James Edwards and John Farnan are Higher Court Advocates who are also able to represent clients at the Crown Court and Court of Appeal.
We have been rated as a Category 1 Legal Aid Supplier by the Legal Aid Agency. We are rated 2 in Peer Review, the second highest rating. Our clients have awarded us a 100% satisfaction rating, 100% of our clients feel we treat them fairly, 100% feel we keep them informed, 98% say we are good at listening.
The practice is supervised by Ruth Oakes who has been a National LAA / LAA Senior Peer Reviewer for 15+ years and who edited the LAA publication “Improving your Quality – Crime
Our solicitors are available to represent clients who have been arrested and taken to a police station 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The service is free. We undertake Legal Aid work for those who are eligible and affordable rates for those who are not.
We fully comply with the Law Society Equality and Diversity Policy in resepct of clients and staff. We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
We hold The Specialist Quality Mark (SQM) which is a quality assurance standard designed for organisations supplying complex legal help and offering a full range of legal services, including representation in court (where necessary and permitted) by formally trained professionals
The Practice is committed to provide a high-quality legal service to all our clients. When something goes wrong we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards. Click here to view our Complaints Procedure
SRA Number 606038